Through a Misty Arch
Please note: HTML5 version incorporates +- 15 min of bug fixes compared to the original platform downloads.
- Camera no longer drifts too far away from the player
- NPCs have a small light above their head to attract new players at the start of the game as to acquire important items
- Enemies that have random scaling applied now correctly take damage
- Textboxes no longer overlap
In Through a Misty Arch you get lost in the ruins of Hautrell. Normally a calm place to visit and admire, these man-made structures date back to the 12th century.
On the faithful day of your visit, a heavy fog has rolled in. Inspired by how this makes the place look, you traverse deeper, only to find you might not be alone...
[Joypad stick] or [<][^][v][>] Navigation
[Joypad X] or [Q] Attack, Interact
[Joypad [] ] or [W] Block, Target
[Joypad O] or [E] Jump
There's a friendly character near your starting location that will hand you a shield that might come in useful.
If you feel like you cannot make a jump, try and find someone to give you some better shoes.
Can't win a fight? Maybe don't start one.
Hold target, attack & down while jumping to perform a jump attack.
Developer's notes:
Through a Misty Arch is my submission for the 7-Day Roguelike challenge in which you have 7 days to programm a roguelike from scratch. All assets solo made within the timeframe. As often is the case, it turned out different than what I had imagined but I'm still pleased with how much I managed to get done within the timeframe (despite catching covid in the last few days).
I consider the challenge to be a succes in that I created a game with a start and end that has some core roguelike elements, though I feel I failed in re-creating the open-ended playstyle / player expression possible in a good roguelike.
The game was made in godot which alongside 3D game programming I'm quite new to, though having a blast exploring it. Many sounds were placeholders that never got replaced, all sound effects + music were made on a modular synthesizer (Mutable Instruments Rings + Beads only), all models were done with primitive geometry inside the godot editor.
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